Affordable Alcohol Rehab Program

We are aware that seeking alcohol addiction treatment may be a difficult and stressful process, both emotionally and financially. We want to help you or a loved one start a recovery path without breaking the bank by offering you useful information and resources. We firmly believe that financial constraints shouldn’t prevent people from receiving the critical assistance and care required to beat alcoholism. We are here to help you pursue the capable and affordable alcohol rehab program you deserve, ensuring all have the opportunity to achieve long-lasting sobriety.

Alcohol Abuse vs. Alcoholism

It’s critical to recognize the difference between alcohol abuse and alcoholism when discussing concerns involving alcohol. Although the terms are sometimes used synonymously, they actually refer to several phases of problematic alcohol use.

Alcohol abuse is characterized by repeated alcohol consumption that has detrimental effects on numerous aspects of life. Alcohol abusers are more likely to participate in risky habits such as binge drinking, excessive drinking, and drinking in dangerous situations. As a direct result of their alcohol usage, they may encounter difficulties with their relationships, career or academic performance, and their legal situation. Despite these detrimental effects, alcohol abusers often don’t show signs of physical dependence or have strong cravings when they don’t drink.

Alcoholism is a chronic disease characterized by obsessive and uncontrollable drinking. It is also known as alcohol addiction or alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcohol is physically and psychologically addictive for those with alcoholism. They struggle to regulate their drinking, have intense alcohol cravings, and need progressively more alcohol to feel the desired benefits. Tolerance is a common side effect of alcoholism, whereby the person needs more alcohol to experience the same level of intoxication. They could also experience withdrawal symptoms, including tremors, anxiety, insomnia, or even seizures, when they try to cut back or quit drinking. This is when care from an alcohol rehab program is especially important.

Signs of a Problem

While most people have a general idea of how an intoxicated person may act, it is important to consider the exact symptoms related to the disease of alcoholism.

Physical signs of alcoholism include:

  • Slurred speech
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Impaired coordination
  • Tremors or shakes
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes)
  • Weight loss
  • Malnutrition
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Flushed skin
  • Sweating or body odor
  • Dental problems

It is also worth noting that not all individuals who are struggling with an alcohol use disorder will present obvious signs. There are individuals who are better skilled at hiding these signs, appearing to be operating well enough to not raise concerns, despite the damage they are doing to their bodies. This kind of individual is referred to as a high-functioning alcoholic. 

Signs of a functioning alcoholic include:

  • Maintaining a job: Despite their drinking, functioning alcoholics frequently maintain steady employment and may even show exceptional professional success.
  • Socially active: They might participate in a variety of social activities and keep in touch with their friends and loved ones. 
  • High tolerance: People with alcoholism who are still functioning can drink a lot of alcohol without getting drunk.
  • Denial and secrecy: They may downplay or deny how much they drink, and they frequently keep their alcohol consumption a secret from others.
  • Drinking as a coping mechanism: This involves using alcohol as a coping strategy to deal with stress, anxiety, or other emotional challenges.
  • Preoccupation with drinking: Constantly thinking about when and where they can get their next drink.
  • Ritualistic behavior: Engaging in regular rituals or routines related to drinking, such as always having a drink after work.
  • Alcohol as a reward: People who use alcohol as a way to celebrate their accomplishments, relax, or as a self-medication.
  • Increased tolerance and consumption: Over time, people could need more alcohol to get the desired level of intoxication.
  • Neglecting responsibilities: Despite their apparent success, functioning alcoholics may disregard their obligations to their families, coworkers, or friends because of their drinking patterns.
  • Hiding alcohol: A steady supply of alcohol is maintained by hiding it in numerous locations, such as the office, automobile, or house.
  • High-functioning during the day: When not drinking, functioning alcoholics may battle with withdrawal symptoms, anger, or cravings, even if they may appear sober and capable during the day.

If someone is exhibiting any of the signs listed above, they may be suffering from a chemical dependency that is wreaking havoc on all aspects of their life. Luckily Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches acts as a center for drug and alcohol treatment, giving patients a real shot at long-term recovery.

Our Rehab Centers for Alcohol Addiction

If you need an affordable alcohol rehab program, our holistic addiction centers boast the resources necessary to help. Our addiction therapy sessions are designed to give patients a chance to have their concerns and fears heard while also being able to develop healthier coping mechanisms to apply moving forward. One example is the active therapy we offer, which helps to get patients more hands-on and involved in the process.

Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how Affordable Addiction Treatment can help you or your loved one.

For more information call us at 866-559-2228